Crisis Intervention and Mediation Services
Mediation is an informal, confidential conflict resolution process in which an impartial third party helps two or more participants better understand their issues, interests and needs . A mediation empower them to bridge their differences through a voluntary agreement. The main characteristics of mediation are:
Impartiality: Longing for Eden Mediators have no stake in the matter. They don’t make a decision or advocate for either participant. They do help the participants communicate effectively and make decisions about how to resolve the matter.
Confidentiality: Mediation is strictly confidential, both for the mediator and the participants.
Informality: The mediation process is designed to be flexible and user-friendly.
Voluntary agreement: Participants have ultimate control and decision-making power over the outcome of the mediation.
Mediation is an informal, non-confrontational process in which solutions are not imposed on the parties but the product of a voluntary agreement. No lengthy, time consuming preparation is required and sessions are scheduled at times and places that are convenient to all participants involved.
As an opportunity to increase the quality of the communication and relationships, mediation is immensely valuable. However, mediation is most effective in the early stages of a dispute.
Mediation is forward-looking: Participants have the opportunity to rebuild relationships that have been strained. This can be key for the ultimate, lasting resolution.
The participants are in control: They resolve the dispute on their own terms and not one imposed by others. They may also decide to withdraw from mediation after the first session, if desired.
The participants can tailor solutions that meet their needs: The flexibility and creativity of the solution building process focuses on the interests of the participants, allowing all participants to feel satisfied with the outcome.
Agreements reached in mediation are relationship commitments between the parties: The participants memorialize their agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU does not constitute an admission by the participants of any blame or guilt. However, the agreement is final and binding for the participants.
Mediation is confidential: This allows participants to be open and honest about the issues without fear that their words will be used against them or taken out of context.
For general information on Mediations in you organization here is an article
(PDF Article link) on mediations in organizations.
Longing for Eden mediation services are easy to use - there are three basic steps:
Step 1 - Intake: Mediation is initiated by a request to Longing for Eden. That request can be a simple e-mail or a phone call. Once a request is received, we will contact all participants to conduct an intake. The purpose of the intake is to ensure the participants’ understanding of the process and to help us determine whether the case is appropriate for mediation.
Step 2 - Mediation: if the case is deemed appropriate for mediation, participants will be asked to come to an initial mediation session. The participants are required to sign an Agreement to Mediate. After the first session, any participant is free to decide to continue or withdraw from the mediation process.
Step 3 - Agreement: If the issues are settled through mediation, the Longing for Eden mediator will draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which records specific agreements made by all participants. By signing an MOU neither participant admits fault. However, a signed MOU is a binding commitment for all the participants
Contact us if you have any questions about mediation and whether or not your case may be appropriate for mediation We can help you decide whether this is the best alternative and walk you through the process.